Word Grid 
Daily Top 10
Rank | Initials | Score | Best Word | ||
{{index + 1}} | {{row.nickname}} | ??? | {{row.high_score}} | {{row.highest_word}} | {{finalStats.highestScoringWord.word}} |
Have a comment or experienced a bug? Just want to say hello?
Timer: {{remainingTime}}
Practice mode | No time limit, just play for fun!
Total: {{wordPoints}}
{{guess}} {{wordPointsCalc}}
Create words using the grid of 9 letters to score points.
Letters can be reused. Letter point value increases on each reuse.
The longer the word, the more time is added back onto the clock.
Score as many points as you can before time runs out!
New Game - Word ScrambleFinal Score
Log In to save your stats
Words Played | Average Word Score | Highest Scoring Word | |
{{finalStats.wordCount}} | {{finalStats.averageWordScore}} | {{finalStats.highestScoringWord.word}} ({{finalStats.highestScoringWord.points}}) |
{{parseInt(finalStats.wordCount) + parseInt(lifetimeStats.words_played)}} | {{((parseFloat(finalStats.averageWordScore) + (lifetimeStats.avg_word_score * lifetimeStats.games_played)) / (parseInt(lifetimeStats.games_played) + 1)).toFixed(2)}} | {{finalStats.highestScoringWord.word}} ({{finalStats.highestScoringWord.points}}) |
{{lifetimeStats.highest_word}} ({{lifetimeStats.highest_word_score}}) |
Rank | Initials | Score | Best Word | ||
{{index + 1}} | {{row.nickname}} | ??? | {{row.high_score}} | {{row.highest_word}} | {{finalStats.highestScoringWord.word}} |
You placed in the Daily Top 10! Enter your initials to save your score.
Other Games
Word Race | Custom Word | 5-Letter Word Guess | 6-Letter Word Guess